Saturday, 9 June 2012

2012 AGM

19TH MAY 2012

PRESENT: Allyson; Janet; Roy; Cathy; Lynne; Bob; Steve; Denny; Dennis; Tim; Gloria; Jeff; Rachel; Susan

APOLOGIES: Nick; Mike; Vilma; Liz; Jo; Brian


CHAIRS REPORT: Allyson gave a report to the meeting of the challenges and rewards she has experienced as chair in the last year.  She emphasised that trust, care and mutual respect have been the key to our community coming through a year that has seen many individually, and also us all as a site, face very difficult situations.
The officers roles were discussed, and plotholders encouraged to consider stepping up to the challenge of taking on one of these jobs, with the help and support of current officers.  If not this year – maybe next time?

SCRETARYS REPORT: Denny highlighted various improvements made to the site- fencing (protecting us from potentially dangerous dogs who had invaded the site on several occasions)and fire damage repair to existing fencing, new lock to gate (thanks to plotholder who kindly gave a donation to cover the cost), improvements to the communal area etc
Gratitude was expresses to those plotholders who have given up their time-(and money-petrol has been kindly donated by Nick and Bob for example) to help with maintenance- led by Bob and Nick. And to those who do the many necessary small jobs- like toilet cleaning etc.
Also thanks to Rachel for working so hard on the communal area, and organising the weed and plant day recently. (Thanks to all who helped)  As a site we came 2nd in the borough in the allotment competition, and hopefully we can get 1st this year!
Our autumn visit from Valerie Fairbrass (Self managed allotment team) identified three plotholders who were failing to cultivate their plots.  Letters were sent and good responses were received from all, resulting in plots coming up to standard this year. Thanks to those concerned for their cooperation.  Val will be visiting again later this year- please be aware we are all expected to regularly cultivate our plot,having ¾ cultivated at all times.
A special vote of thanks was offered to Allyson and Nick who worked closely with Katy Delaney and Lewisham Team to resolve the extremely stressful situation that had developed with a plotholder.  The committee appreciate all the support they received through this difficult period.

NICKS REPORT:A statement was read out from Nick who has kindly stepped in to help Allyson as chair over the last few months.
Main points-         New dip tanks are planned to help those furthest from existing ones during hose pipe ban.  Please do not be tempted to break the hosepipe ban- as we as a site could be liable for the fine, and may also lead to water meters which will escalate each plotholders rent.
                     Difficult member- A plotholder was found to be in serious breach of our tenancy agreement and was served a notice to quit.  The plotholder employed a solicitor to fight her case, however with the support of Katy Delaney and team, this plotholder was relocated to another site.
Our plans to improve the site can now continue as we put this difficult and time consuming situation behind us.
                     Stalls at festivals-lets raise some cash to go towards alloment projects. Details to follow.
                     Theft- we are now signed up to the safer neighbourhood scheme, but please be vigilant with putting tools away ect
                     Nick encouraged members to support other allotments such as those in Greenwich in fighting huge rent rises, and to be aware of the pressure put on the council from developers.
TREASURERS REPORT:               Mowers have not been serviced, and petrol donated by Nick and Bob – hence lower maintenance costs this year.
                                          Insurance we have is the cheapest- basically, do we want to pay more for better cover? (Allyson to look into this)
It should be noted that if you, a visitor, or an intruder was to hurt themselves on a non-garden connected item, ie a toy, or a chair ect, the plotholder where the incident happened would be personally liable if sued.  Our insurance would not cover this.
Please be aware of this in the things you leave out on your plots.
                                          Fences- we do need repairs to some sections, and it is hard to get the council to cover costs of this.  It has been suggested we plant pyracantha bushes (very thorny) which will deter intruders and dogs and will grow to a decent thickness if planted now whilst fences are still serviceable.
                                          Bank Account- Santander have taken over from Alliance and Leicester.  The account is very difficult to use and we get no interest.  New accounts were discussed and it was decided to change to the coop
                                          Donations were received towards the social fund when rent requests went out, plus individuals gave lump sums. Total-£328.29 many,  many thanks for these. Not everyone can give money, and not every one can give time, but everyone can give something if they have the desire to.

SUMMARY-         total receipts:              £1542.53
                     Total payments       £638.82
                     Balance from 2011       £827.75
                     Bank account balance -        £1532.13
                     Petty cash                     £199.33

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: As no nominations received, currents officers agreed to remain in their current roles.
Denny and Lynne strongly suggested that members think about taking on officers jobs next year and are available to explain the roles and help the change over.  The work is minimal most of the time, and there are many positives to the jobs.

AOB:              Social- bank holiday Tuesday 5th June. Jubilee picnic without the flags!!
                     Works programme- Allyson to produce
                     Toilet cleaning rota?? Let Denny know if you can help

Closed meeting (meeting was from 2 -3 pm)


Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Your allotment needs you (please)!

Want to have some fun, get to know each other better, and raise money to support  our allotment???

Nick is organising stalls at:-
Brockley fair – 23 June 2012
Bellingham day – 30 June 2012
Blythe hill – 7 July 2012

Can you donate plants etc (leave on table in communal area) for us to sell?

We also need helpers to run the stalls on the dates above- can you spare an hour or two? You won’t regret it!!!

Please contact Nick on 07515113390