Lewisham Allotments
Competition –
Monday 9th July –
Friday 13th July 2012
As the temperature is increasing,
along with the rain levels (!) I hope your crops are flourishing and thoughts
turning to the annual allotments competition.
Our competition
details/categories are listed below and for those of you who will be capturing
wonderful photos of your plots, we have added a new category for Best Allotment Photo; whether it be
close ups of your produce, allotment wildlife photos, character photos of
plotholders or just quirky, original
images of allotment life then do send them in direct to me on the e-mail
below. Deadline for receipt of
photos is Friday 27th July
Please distribute info to
all your members and please note the following -
will take place week commencing Monday 9th July.
Entry forms must
be received by Friday 6th
- Please can committees submit no more than three
plots they think should be considered for judging for the Best Plot category (any above
three will not be considered).
For Best Plot the judge
will then choose one winner only for each site that has submitted
Site Keys
– If you have made any recent changes to your main gate keys/code locks please
do ensure that I have the correct keys/codes in advance of the judging
period. If the judge is unable to
gain access to the site then the site/plots will not be judged.
Plot Numbers
- All entrants must have a clear plot number on their allotment; those without
will not be judged.
Category judging –
Best Plot – there will be one winner for each site, where
entries have been submitted; certificate and award will be sent via the site
committee to present as they see fit.
This category will also be judged borough wide with overall 1st,
2nd and 3rd place winners who will receive their
certificate and award at the presentation ceremony.
Best Allotment Photo / Best New
Plotholder/Best Allotment Site –
will be judged borough wide with 1st, 2nd and 3rd
place winners invited to the awards ceremony.
on the awards ceremony will follow in due course.
Please do encourage your
members to take part and if there are any queries please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Kind regards
Katy Delaney
Allotments Officer