Thursday, 11 October 2012

Would You Use A Poly-tunnel???

We are looking into building a poly tunnel on the communal area so that all plot-holders could have the opportunity to start seedlings off, grow plants under cover etc.

Plot-holders without a car (to transport seedlings) / greenhouse of their own/ or even, sunny window sills often really struggle to grow the plants that need heat to start them off.

We could also use it to grow surplus plants to sell on at fairs etc that would supplement allotment income and fund future projects / just pay for necessary maintenance.

What do you think???? Be good- if we were to do this- that it be up and running by early spring 2013.
If it does go ahead, we will need volunteers to help with the build......could that be you???

Please let us know your thoughts- either in the postbox, on our blog, or email Denny at denny.senner

Thank you


Thanks to all who gave generously to the social fund- food and drink will be provided for our annual Bonfire night celebration-
SO PLEASE COME................  all welcome.

It’s been a difficult year, let’s go out with a bang!!!!
A bonfire (NB actual fire may differ)

(Please note there is no obligation to come, and it is not dependant on donations made or not made.  Everyone is very welcome- and we hope to see as many of you as can make it)