Saturday, 5 October 2013

Seed Catalogues

Seed catalogues are here!
Please collect yours from the box in toilet and return by end of month-with cheque-‘knapmill way allotment association’ (in post box).

Why get seeds from us?
Cheaper!! Each veg pack is between 50p and £1 less than their normal catalogue price

Kings provide seeds for the likes of the lost gardens heligan- so top quality, and many unusual varieties, including a choice of organic seeds

A small % of total cost is returned to us, so the site as whole benefits whilst not costing you more.

Annual Plot Reviews


Firstly, the majority of plot holders have had a great year-well done!
Thank you to all who help and support the running of the site – in big ways and small- your efforts are very much appreciated by us all.

As is our practice, the committee will be looking over each plot and discussing any issues of non-cultivation / weeds etc, and will then be contacting the plot holders concerned.

We have a huge waiting list in Lewisham for plots, and we are responsible for ensuring all plots are being fully used and properly cultivated.

Whilst we do not want to have to ask anyone to leave- if you are not growing any/many vegetables and not keeping your plot in good order, maybe this isn’t the right time for you to have an allotment....after all, someone else could benefit so much from space you are neglecting.

If you wish to discuss any problems you have experienced this year that may have affected your time at the site, or wish to discuss reducing your plot size because you are struggling- please contact us – we want to help if we can.
Happy gardening 
Denny (Secretary 07966373933) Dennis (Chair 07411434763) Lynn (Treasurer 02086951910)     
