Duties of Executive Committee Members

Duties Of Executive Committee Members

Duties of KAS Treasurer
• To be responsible for KAS funds and records thereof
• To keep up-to-date and accurate records of KAS income and expenditure
• Presenting both verbal and written financial reports to KAS and its Management Committee
• To lead on fundraising work on behalf of KAS
• Keeping check and reporting back on the progress of fundraising work agreed by the management committee.
• Ensuring that the organisation meets its financial obligations (e.g. rental payments to the council )
• Attend relevant external meeting as a representative of KAS and its Management Committee
• To issue KAS's annual insurance payments
• To reimburse appropriate and agreed expenditure on behalf of KAS
• To keep ordered receipts of expenditure and income raised

Duties of KAS Site Manager
To receive council referrals for all new plot-holders
To show potential new plot-holders around the site
To present new plot-holder recommendations to the Management Committee
To send out standardised plot-holder agreements, once a recommendation has been accepted by the Management Committee
To send out annual notices of rental payments due
To collect annual rental payments and to provide receipts for all paid rentals
To forward all rental payments and a copy of receipts to the Treasurer
To safeguard the maintenance and day to day running of the allotment site
On behalf of the Management Committee to ensure LBL Council and KAS rules and regulations are being adhered to
To present both verbal and written site management reports to KAS and its Management Committee
To hold one key for KAS notice-board, so as to put up social notices
To attend relevant external meeting as a representative of KAS and its Management Committee
To Be the first point of contact should an emergency arise on the allotment site
To ensure the site first aid kit is kept appropriately stocked
To formulate what will be KAS's annual insurance requirements

Duties of KAS Secretary
• To present both verbal and written administrative reports to KAS and its Management Committee
• Writing and circulating minutes of KAS meetings
• Keeping check and reporting back on the progress of administrative work agreed by the management committee.
• Ensuring that the organisation meets its legal obligations (e.g. reporting to the council when required)
• Arranging KAS management, and Management Committee meetings
• Preparing and circulating agendas
• Checking if there is a quorum at meetings
• Maintaining administrative records and other related tasks.
• To be responsible for the sorting and forwarding of mail and complaints to the appropriate Management Committee Member.
• To register with the management committee complaints received from plot holders or neighbours to the site
• To respond in writing to formal complaints once they have been discussed by the Management Committee
• To keep records of all formal complaints on behalf of the Management Committee.
• To keep a complete and accurate record of all plot-holders contact details on behalf of the Management Committee.
• To hold one key for the KAS notice-board so as to put up formal notices
• Attend relevant external meeting as a representative of KAS and its Management Committee
• To ensure KAS has appropriate insurance coverage at all times

Duties of KAS Chairperson
• To chair meetings.
• To provide leadership to the Management Committee
• To ensure that the Management Committee operates effectively
• To ensure that Management Committee members’ succession is well planned and managed
• To ensure that newly elected members to the Management Committee are well inducted and prepared for their functions.
• To safeguard effective meetings and decision making for the allotment association.
• To lead in the overall management of the allotment association