30th April 2011- 2pm
PRESENT Bob;Harry;Tom;Rachel;Lecha;Zoie;Lynn;Steve;Liz:Tim;Nick;Dave;Marian; Valerie;Sue;Kevin;Dennis;Allyson;Denny;Trine;Cathy;Brian;Stan;Kathy
MINUTES 2011 AGM- read and agreed. Dennis, seconded Harry.
FOOD COOP: ‘food supermarket’ doc discussed. Nick offered to look into feasibility of setting up trading post style coop on the site. (reminder to all we have access to John Box shop that offers fertiliser etc. Though you would need to compare prices yourself to ensure they are competitive) plot-holders invited to share ideas with Nick about selling excess produce etc
MANURE/CHIPPINGS- disappointingly this never came to fruition...dave felt there wasn’t enough communication about what was wanted, and is still happy to pick up manure and deliver chippings if arrangements are made to help him unload.
SHREDDER- if you would like to use dave’s shredder (no longer stored on site) please contact him to arrange. He assured meeting that his personal business insurance would cover this.
WHEELBARROWS- only 1 working. Would anyone like to arrange repairs to be done....?
RE ELECTION OF OFFICERS- a statement was read by chair from the current committee.
The committee felt undermined by a minority of members who have called into question the integrity and capabilities of the committee, without actually explaining what their issues are.
Current officers do not wish to stand again just by default (no other nominations having been received) and request a vote of confidence from this AGM to confirm that plot-holders are happy that they are being properly represented and fully support the committee in the year ahead.
The committee wished to state that they stood by all decisions taken, confident that they had at all times followed allotment procedure, acting on directives from the previous AGM.
A vote of confidence was carried with 2 abstentions.
A motion was put forward by Nick,seconded by Tim, to thank the committee for their hard work and commitment. This was gratefully received and the committee agreed to stand for another year.
CHAIRS REPORT- thanks to all for the hard work put in this year in order to bring us to this point. And a huge welcome to mew members who look set to be real assets to the site.
Big thank you to Dennis for organising our blgg – more details to follow
SECRETARY REPORT-we are continuing negotiations with Katy Delaney to get some more fencing- issues with dogs invading have been the priority
We have full occupancy of the site and much positive feedback about the positive impact new members are having
100% cultivation is the goal for all plots, and while we all struggle from time to time, if plot-holders are unable to fully work their plot in the long term, they will need to think about reducing the size of the plot they have.
If anyone wants to talk about doing this, or-at the other end of the scale- would like a bigger plot, please let the committee know. If you need short term help, let the committee know this too. We want our plots to be a pleasure and not a burden, and we are here to help if we can.
TREASURERS REPORT-‘the books’ are here today, and anyone can view them.
Summary of yearly finances was circulated (copy on notice board) our finances had been submitted to the council for audit as usual and agreed by them.
Plotholders involved in running the site work for free, and Lynn warmly thanked all for their help – large and small. All were asked if they could do something to help in the coming year? As we are self managed, all jobs are down to each of us – can you do something to support the site? If not at the moment, bear this in mind for the future please.
Rents all paid on time- based on new rod measurement- which is fairer. Thank you to Bob and Denny for taking time out to do this.
Details of financial summary read and agreed
Re insurance-Lynn wanted plotholders to note that if your visitor is hurt whilst on the site, they will have to sue you and you will then make a claim against our insurance.
Also- for insurance tools such as mowers are serviced annually. Bob currently arranges this- would anyone else like to sort this out?
Keys-if you lose a key, you must replace it at your cost. Deposits of £5 will now be charged per key.
New lock- ideas please.
Gazebo- £71.99. this was purchased as promises to organise a build didn’t happen. However, this is temporary- ideas please
£100 prize for best site- need to decide how to spend
Socials- £100 in 2010 (toilet launch) £50 2011 AGM.
As we have received comments regarding this being improper use of funds,though this isn’t something we as a committee agree with, we suggest a voluntary contribution scheme at rent renewal time, which will off set any costs of social events for the benefit of all. It was emphasised that whether contribution was made or not, all are welcome to enjoy all social events.
Plotholders generousity in contributing food and drink at socials to date has been overwhelming and much appreciated. This will still be most welcome.
Bank balance (as reported) – though we have money in the bank, this is due to our having monies left from the toilet fund-which is earmarked for communal area projects.
Therefore, eventually, our incomings will not meet our expenses. While we do not need to panic, we do need to address this issue.
A.O.B -bins-please no heavy rubbish in bins!!!!!!! Take it home.
Meeting closed followed by social.
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